Understanding Your Pet's Needs
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Understanding Your Pet's Needs

After my pet had a long, drawn-out battle with cancer, I realized that I needed to do a better job with understanding my pet's needs. I wanted to be there for them no matter what, so I started focusing on my other animals. They needed more love, attention, and medical care, so I focused on those things. I started taking them in for regular checkups and working on their physical appearance. I was able to spot a few other potentially catastrophic health conditions with my animals because of my actions. This blog is all about understanding your pet's needs.


Understanding Your Pet's Needs

  • It's Not Just Lyme Disease: 2 Other Tick-Borne Illnesses In Dogs

    28 July 2015

    When most dog owners think about tick control, it's Lyme disease that they're worried about. While Lyme disease causes a range of debilitating symptoms like fatigue, stiffness, and general malaise, it is not the only tick-borne disease that dog owners should be concerned with. Here's a look at two other diseases that are also spread by ticks. Ehrlichiosis Ehrlichiosis is primarily transmitted by the brown dog tick and lone star tick, so if these varieties of ticks are prevalent in your area, you should be especially on the lookout for this disease.

  • Intestinal Worms in a Cat & Getting Them Treated

    29 June 2015

    Is your cat losing a lot of weight in a fast period of time? Rapid weight loss in a pet can be a sign that he or she has intestinal worms, and you may want to get in touch with an emergency veterinarian for prompt treatment. Find out below how intestinal worms can affect a cat, as well as how a vet can cure the condition. How Does a Cat Contract Intestinal Worms?

  • Helping Your Dog To Cope With Arthritis

    20 May 2015

    Arthritis can strike your dog once they get to middle age. Arthritis is a disease that causes the cartilage between the joints to degenerate. There are several signs that you should look out for in order to know if your pet is developing arthritis. These will be looked at below along with some methods that you can use to ease you pet's pain. What are the signs that your pet has arthritis?

  • What's Involved In Veterinary Compounding

    2 April 2015

    Giving animals their needed medications can often be challenging. What's more, sometimes medicines that work well for one pet, don't have the required dosage, strength or taste for another animal. But thanks to animal compounding, administering pet medications doesn't have to be a major ordeal. If you have pets, here's what you need to know about veterinary compounding. What is a Veterinarian Compounding? Veterinarians usually begin giving standard medications to their patients who have allergies, diabetes, thyroid disorders or arthritis.

  • Keep Your Dog Healthy And Happy By Teaching These Three Simple Things

    1 April 2015

    Some dogs instinctively know that a car ride means a trip to the veterinarian's office. Dogs often dread the vet because scary things can happen there. You can prevent a lot of unnecessary veterinary appointments, like hit-and-run injuries, dental disease treatments, and poisoning, by training your dog some simple, yet lifesaving things. Here are three of the most important things you should teach your dog, and why these things will keep your dog healthy and your veterinary visits less traumatic.